#CancelRent: Kentucky Housing Crisis during the Pandemic
Last updated May 27, 2020
Kentucky has been in a housing crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has just made it much worse. Please watch the following video to learn more.
Video Credits - last updated May 27, 2020
Written by the Kentucky Housing Justice Coalition
Designed and Voiced by Jessica Bellamy at Root Cause Research Center - www.rootcauseresearch.org
Music by DJ Yared at Rhythm Science Sound - www.rhythmsciencesound.com
References can be found at www.rootcauseresearch.org/cancelrent
Sound effects obtained from www.zapsplat.com
Beshear image, Representative Omar image, Lexington Map, Louisville map, Lexington long view, and courtroom with people from www.shutterstock.com
Additional photos from www.pexels.com
Videos from www.pexels.com
References - last updated May 27, 2020
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